Friday, December 28, 2012

New GTA V Screenshots

Image 1The highly anticipated fifth installment in the GTA franchise has released some new screenshots.  Some of these shots deal with water and the vehicles and creatures in them.  Could this be a bigger part of the game then in the recent installments?  This shots make me want to say yes.  Judge for yourself.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dead Space 3 Co-op Trailer

Are you ready to buddy up and take down some monsters.  Then prepare yourself for the intense Co-op gameplay that Dead Space 3 has to offer.

Mass Effect 4 in 2014 or 2015

If you love the Mass Effect series you might want to get comfortable.  The report is that the newest installment will come out around 2014 or mid 2015.  Bioware is just starting development of the newest game and hopes to stay true to the other installments while adding in their own ideas.  So to RPG lovers out their, get comfortable and replay Mass Effect 3, because its going to be awhile before a new adventure comes along.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Could Brazil Be the Next Home For Assassin's Creed?

Assassin's creed has been around the globe from Europe to North America.  So it's no surprise that the newest installment will be set in South America.  Developers have confirmed that South America will be featured in the newest installment and Brazil could be included.
This is interesting news because most games and movies seem to shy away from South America.  It should be a breath of fresh air to see a highly anticipated game set in South America.  Could the Amazon Rainforest be in the mix?  If it is that would allow the player to explore the most dense forest in the world.

Bioshock Infinity Delayed

The highly anticipated third installment of the Bioshock franchise has been delayed once again.  This is the second time that the release date has been pushed back.  The orginial release date was supposed to be in October.  It was then moved to February, and now it has been moved to March.
The game developers say that the reason for the delay is so they can further polish the game.  They want to make sure that the game looks and feels the way it was intended.  Although gamers appreciate the effort of trying to put the best game out there, they also want it to come out at some point.  Delays always hurt the game and we'll see if Bioshock will be immune.

Prepare to Be Scared!

Could Black Ops 2 Make Gamers Pay to Play?

There has been some speculation that Call of Duty might be thinking about making players pay to play the multiplayer.  This would be following the World of Warcraft model which makes the owners of the game pay a yearly subscription fee in order to play online.
This news is upsetting for Call of Duty players because they already have to pay $60 for a copy of the game.  That doesn't include the map packs which come out about every couple months which are priced at about $30.
I think they would lose a lot of loyal fans who are fed up with having to pay for all the additional fees in this economy.  If they want to keep the fans happy and coming back for more then it would be wise of them to not go through with this plan.

The Walking Dead Review

The Walking Dead is one of the surprise hits of the year and is up for various awards including "Best Game".  The story is a RPG style game that follows one character as he tries to fight off the undead for survival.  Unlike many games that have come out recently this game is not an open world game.  The things plot is linear but that doesn't mean that it can't be influenced by your choices.
This is where the game shines.  As you go through story you meet different characters that you can interact with in different ways.  As you talk to them you are given three to four choices of dialogue that you can give to the character that you are talking with.  This is where the game can be influenced by what you choose your character to say. 
Along with this you can choose to do different actions that influence the game as well.  For instance, at one point in the game you have the choice to either kill a member of your "crew" or let them live.  It is choices like these that make for a compelling game.
The best part of the game is the storyline.  The writing is phenomenal and will keep you engaged throughout.  There are many different puzzles and set pieces to play with that are very well done.  Throughout the game you will also find yourself caring for the characters in your group which makes the game that much better.  Overall this game should be played for the compelling story which is top notch.

Wii U Fails to Beat Previous Launch

The Wii U sold 425,000 units in its first week of availability.  This falls short of the Wii's launch by 50,000 units.  This doesn't seem to be a shock to the gaming community.  The Wii was the first really good motion gaming software that had come out so it is understandable that it did better in sales.
I think over time as people buy the Wii U and testing it out for themselves the sales will even out to be roughly the same as the original Wii.  Only time will tell for this console which hopes to turn Nintendo into the powerhouse that it once was.

Bond/Bourne RPG in the Works

Ever wondered what it would be like to play as a character as cool and as James Bond and as lethal and tactical as Jason Bourne?  Now you'll get the chance.  Bioware is in the process with making a game that would blend the two characters together to create one awesome spy.
It is interesting to see that they are going to make it into an RPG because most games like this are either first or third person shooters.  Bioware wants to make a game that not only lets the person go on a rampage with their gun but to also use tactics and strategy in order to proceed in the game.  There is no release date yet but the idea is intriguing enough to keep gamers excited.

Skyrim DLC's for PS3 Still Waiting

About a month ago I had a post about the Skyrim DLC's "Hearthfire" and "Dawnguard" being unavailable for the PS3 because of problems.  In the post I put that the makers of the game were trying to do their best to release it soon.  Unfortunately PS3 owners will have to what even longer.  The makers have released a statement saying that they have stalled development of the two DLC's in order to work on "Dragonborn" which is going to be the newest DLC.  Their logic is that they don't want fans to wait any longer for new content so they are working on "Dragonborn" instead.  In other words its going to be a while for PS3 owners to play something that Xbox 360 owners have been playing for months.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Call of Duty: A Cultural Phenomenon

Generations have different things that stand out to them.  Whether it be cult classic movies or events that will be remembered forever.  For my generation Call of Duty has become huge!  This can clearly be seen by the newest installment selling $500 million in the first day.  In comparison it is up there with blockbuster movies such as Avatar and The Dark Knight as far as copies sold are concerned. 
Usually movies are able to easily beat video games in sales because more people will see a movie than buy a video game.  The fact that the newest Call of Duty was able to compete with movies is remarkable.  It shows that not only are hardcore gamers buying it but so are people who have never played before. 
This is the power that this franchise has.  It doesn't matter if you don't usually play video games because the chances are you will either buy this game or play it at some point.  Fans worldwide showed their support by pre-ordering the game by the hundreds of millions.  With so much fan support and intrigue this franchise has become one of our cultures most recognizable brands.

Black Ops 2 Sets Record

The latest Call of Duty installment broke the record for first day video game sales by selling $500 million on its first day.  This is no surprise to most gamers because the last two installments broke the previous records.  The numbers are outstanding and will continue to grow.  It will be interesting to see how the sales do when Christmas comes.

Black Ops 2 Review

The Call of Duty franchise has been around for years and periodically releases a new game every year.  The franchise has gone from the World Wars up until modern day.  In the newest installment to the franchise they decided to make it set in the future.
The year is 2025 and the player is able to play with new futuristic gadgets and weapons that could only be dreamed of.  As far as the single player is concerned the story deals with a bad guy who tries to control the world.  This is the usual plot to the Call of Duty campaign modes.  It has its moments with various set pieces and has a story line that can have multiple endings.  Even with all this it isn't the highlight of the game.
The multiplayer is where the game shines.  This is where the majority of the gamers will spend there time.  Over the years there have been the typical create a class system which allows players to choose their weapons and perks.  In the newest game it uses a ten point system.  This allows the player to have more flexibility to choose a playing style that is suitable for them.  For instance, the gamer could choose to run around with only a knife and perks instead of having a gun.  On the flip side the player can have only one gun with three different attachments if they desire.  This new point system allows there to be many more styles and directions a player can choose.
The zombie mode makes its return as well.  A fan favorite, zombies is able to entertain them again.  This time around there are two new game modes introduced to the player.  The first is tranzit which has the players journey through a couple various maps by way of a bus.  The other mode is called grief which is a four against four mode where the team to stay alive the longest wins.  With all these new modes and maps to explore it is definitely a fun part of the game.
Overall the newest Call of Duty installment adds enough new and fresh ideas to keep the player interested.  New players will probably find the newest game more playable then the rest while hardcore fans of the franchise will be pleased as well.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

This was my first video blog.  I think that the experience was very helpful.  It was something that was different and it was fun to make a blog post in video form.  It was interesting to try to figure out how I was going to do it and what I was going to talk about.  Overall I think this experience was very helpful.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Riverside Gaming

This is a log of my day at a Riverside gaming event.

12:40 p.m.- I arrive at the event.
12:50- I look at the booth with information on the event.
12:51- I have trouble deciding what to do first.
12:52- I arrive at the Black Ops 2 booth.  I look around and enjoy the different articles of information that are given to me.
1:20- I leave the Black Ops 2 booth for the Wii U booth.
1:23- I arrive at the Wii U booth and am amazed at the presentation of the new console.
1:40- I leave the Wii U booth thoroughly impressed with what I saw.
1:45- On my way to the PS3 booth I run into a friend.
1:55- I finish talking to my friend and continue on my way to the PS3 booth.
2:00- The PS3 booth is filled with familiar PS3 characters and games.
2:10- I play the new demo for Lara Croft Tomb Raider.
2:25- My stomach growls and I know it's time to eat.
2:30- I find an Italian pizzeria.  The delicious smell led me there.
2:39- I continue to wait in the longest line ever.
2:43- Almost there.
2:44 - I order two slices of cheese pizza and a salad with a Dr. Pepper to drink.
2:46- The only spot left to sit is in the sun unfortunately.
3:10- Finished with the delicious pizza and on to the Xbox 360 booth.
3:14- Like the PS3 booth the Xbox booth is also full of familiar games.
3:16- Halo 4 is the main attraction at this booth.
3:17- The Kinect is also shown as some people are crazily flailing their arms as they play Just Dance 3.
3:30- I realize that I have to go to work at 4.
3:35- I make my way back to my car and on my way to work.
3:36- "Good day" I think to myself.

Top Ten Scariest Characters

10.  Crimson Head (Resident Evil Franchise)
The gold standard for all zombies. It was plain, simple, and most of all scary.

9.  Kusabi (Fatal Frame)
Any undead spirit is scary. What makes this spirit so scary is the fact that it can kill with one touch.

8. Witch (Left 4 Dead)
This character is interesting because she won't attack you unless you provoke her. The thing that makes her frightening is that whoever comes to close to her she singles that person out and runs at them until they are dead.

7.  The Nurse (Silent Hill)
These creepy nurses are known for not being able to see very well.  Unfortunately they make up for it with their knives.

6.  Pigsy (Manhunt)
The character is so odd and unusual that it makes him so scary.  A man with a pigs head and a chainsaw is terrifying.

5.  Creepy Girl (F.E.A.R.)
Evil children are always scary.  Especially ones that are supernatural and scare the crap out of you.

4.  Slender Man (Slender)
His appearance may not be all that scary but there's just something about a man with no face always following you. Take your papers I don't want them!!!

3.  The Hunter (Amnesia)
Once again we have another creepy follower on the list.  I'm not sure what happened to his mouth but I'm sure it was horrifying.

2.  Necromorphs (Dead Space)
These creatures are just horrifying to look at.  Part human part alien species, these creatures aren't to be messed with.

1.  Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
The most terrifying part of this character is the secrecy.  You never see his head.  It's always scarier when you don't know who the person trying to kill you is.

That's the top scariest characters in my opinion.  If you have other opinions leave them in the comments.  If you want me to do another top ten leave that in the comments as well.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Angry Birds Star Wars?

Could Angry Birds be heading to a galaxy far far away? It seems like a possibility. A recent photo makes one assume that Star Wars and Angry Birds could be collaborating. It would be interesting to see how the two would co-exist. Personally I think it would be awesome to see a Darth Vader bird with the ability to force choke pigs. But that's just me. Check out the pic below

Borderland's 2 Review

RPG and First Person Shooter Gameplay Make a Good Match

Borderland's 2 is a unique mix of RPG and First Person shooter gameplay. The gamer gets to choose between four "Vault Hunters" as they search the world of Pandora for loot. Throughout the game the character will have to use special abilities, that are unique to them, in order to eliminate the "bandits" that stand in the way of you and the loot.

The game boasts an impressive collection of guns and weapons. There are thousands of different combinations of guns and other weapons at the players disposal. Each weapon has certain stats that go in to how much damage they cause and other information. This information can be used to help eliminate various enemies by strategically using certain weapons.

This is where the RPG style comes in to play. The character earns experience points for completing missions and killing enemies. These points help the character level up and gives them the option to use these points to earn skill points. The skill points can upgrade your character in various ways from reload speed to health regeneration.

While trying to attain these points the First Person shooter comes into play. The mechanics are similar to those seen in the Call of Duty Franchise. The weapons range from pistols to sniper rifles, with a twist of course. None of the weapons are seen in real life. This is what makes them so interesting and entertaining to use. They have different abilities that are physically impossible in the real world. But that's why we play games in the first place.

The story and an open world environment will leave the gamer plenty of choices to have fun. You can either follow the story line or go out into the world yourself in search of rare treasures. Think Skyrim with guns. Either way the game will leave you entertained from start to finish. Overall on a scale of 1 to 10 I would give Borderlands 2 a 9.5. 

The Wait for Skyrim DLC's Continues for PS3 Owners

If you have a PS3 and love Skyrim then this news will be a disappointment to you. The two new DLC's, "Dawnguard" and "Hearthfire", are still being worked on for their PS3 release. This is bad news for Skyrim players who have been awaiting new challenges and new stories.

Originally in August the makers of Skyrim said that there were issues that could prevent the DLC's from ever being available on the PS3. Now they are saying that there are issues that need to be worked out and that for most people it would run fine but for others it might not.  Although PS3 owners are frustrated at this news it is good to see that it will eventually be available at some point.

Game of the Week

Pokemon Black Version 2

For those people who were born in the late 80's or 90's the Pokemon franchise is most likely near and dear to your heart. Who can forget catching your first Pokemon or getting a gym badge. These memories are a big part of many gamers childhood.

Over the years there have been various Pokemon games on different gaming consoles.  Lately fans have been concerned with the staleness of the recent games and the lack of creativity in the new Pokemon. Hopefully the new game will show fans that it can still surprise us and hopefully bring us back to the good old days of catching them all.

Black Ops 2 Zombie Trailer

Here's a look at the new Black Ops 2 Zombie mode.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Does Gaming Equal Obesity?

The U.S.A. is in a health crisis. Obesity is the problem. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention 1/3 of U.S. adults are obese. This can cause an increase in heart disease, stroke and diabetes. It also cost people $147 billion in medical bills in 2008. With the popularity of video games rising has this had an effect on people and obesity?

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 25% of children's time is spent watching T.V. or playing video games. This is a staggering number because most of the other time children are sitting at school. It's true that video games are mostly meant to be played sitting down but it shouldn't take all the blame. At some point parents need to step in and force the child to do something active. If you give a child the option they will probably choose to play video games.

Another factor is the dietary habits of people. Fast food and junk food is everywhere. A study by the University of California at Berkeley said that fast food restaurants that were within a tenth of a mile of a school increases the children's obesity by 5.2%. This is not the video games fault and therefore games should not take all the blame. Although video games are mostly played in a sedimentary setting there are many other factors that cause people to become obese.

Busy Fall Lineup

Every year gamers look forward to the fall. What is so special about fall you might ask? Fall is the time when most of the anticipated games are released. Every fall there are blockbuster hits and highly anticipated games that are released. This fall is no different.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II: This is one of the most anticipated games this year and is expected to break the record for most units sold. If you like the other Call of Duty games then this will probably be right up you're alley.
Halo 4: This Xbox 360 exclusive is hoping to keep the fans happy even though they are switching game designers. The fact that this is Xbox 360's most famous and profitable franchise expect the new designers to deliver a great game.

Madden 13: This franchise has been around for a while and has been criticized for becoming stale. The game developers hope that the new physics engine, which will make every tackle look different, will be enough to rejuvenate the franchise.
NBA 2K13: The basketball powerhouse game is back. With new controls and the option to play as the old Dream Team NBA 2K13 hopes to keep its fans happy with a slam dunk.

Assassin's Creed III: Take control of a half American half Native American assassin in this highly anticipated game. Located in America during the Revolution, help George Washington and the rest of the Americans fight off the British forces.
Grand Theft Auto V: Although controversy has followed this franchise it hasn't stopped gamers from wanting more. With a new story, new city, and new moves to explore this looks to be the biggest GTA ever.

Dead Space III:  Although this game comes out later than the rest, it headlines the horror genre. Not only will gamers be scared out of their minds in the single player mode but they can now team up with a friend online in the new co-op mode.
Resident Evil 6: This franchise has been around since the PS one days. RE6 offers gamers the chance to play as different characters in different parts of the game. This will hopefully keep their longstanding franchise fresh.

Welcome Gamers

Welcome to the Noob Proof Gaming blog. This blog devotes itself to everything video games. News, games, and tough questions will be some of the things that will be discussed in this blog. If you love video games and want to stay updated on what's new in the gaming world then you've come to the right place.

Video games are growing in popularity and aren't just for kids and teens anymore. Adults are now part of the gaming world and this blog recognizes that. Each week there will be posts and this blog will do its best to satisfy you're gaming needs.