Saturday, December 8, 2012

Call of Duty: A Cultural Phenomenon

Generations have different things that stand out to them.  Whether it be cult classic movies or events that will be remembered forever.  For my generation Call of Duty has become huge!  This can clearly be seen by the newest installment selling $500 million in the first day.  In comparison it is up there with blockbuster movies such as Avatar and The Dark Knight as far as copies sold are concerned. 
Usually movies are able to easily beat video games in sales because more people will see a movie than buy a video game.  The fact that the newest Call of Duty was able to compete with movies is remarkable.  It shows that not only are hardcore gamers buying it but so are people who have never played before. 
This is the power that this franchise has.  It doesn't matter if you don't usually play video games because the chances are you will either buy this game or play it at some point.  Fans worldwide showed their support by pre-ordering the game by the hundreds of millions.  With so much fan support and intrigue this franchise has become one of our cultures most recognizable brands.

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