Monday, October 8, 2012

Top Ten Scariest Characters

10.  Crimson Head (Resident Evil Franchise)
The gold standard for all zombies. It was plain, simple, and most of all scary.

9.  Kusabi (Fatal Frame)
Any undead spirit is scary. What makes this spirit so scary is the fact that it can kill with one touch.

8. Witch (Left 4 Dead)
This character is interesting because she won't attack you unless you provoke her. The thing that makes her frightening is that whoever comes to close to her she singles that person out and runs at them until they are dead.

7.  The Nurse (Silent Hill)
These creepy nurses are known for not being able to see very well.  Unfortunately they make up for it with their knives.

6.  Pigsy (Manhunt)
The character is so odd and unusual that it makes him so scary.  A man with a pigs head and a chainsaw is terrifying.

5.  Creepy Girl (F.E.A.R.)
Evil children are always scary.  Especially ones that are supernatural and scare the crap out of you.

4.  Slender Man (Slender)
His appearance may not be all that scary but there's just something about a man with no face always following you. Take your papers I don't want them!!!

3.  The Hunter (Amnesia)
Once again we have another creepy follower on the list.  I'm not sure what happened to his mouth but I'm sure it was horrifying.

2.  Necromorphs (Dead Space)
These creatures are just horrifying to look at.  Part human part alien species, these creatures aren't to be messed with.

1.  Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
The most terrifying part of this character is the secrecy.  You never see his head.  It's always scarier when you don't know who the person trying to kill you is.

That's the top scariest characters in my opinion.  If you have other opinions leave them in the comments.  If you want me to do another top ten leave that in the comments as well.

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