Saturday, December 8, 2012

Black Ops 2 Review

The Call of Duty franchise has been around for years and periodically releases a new game every year.  The franchise has gone from the World Wars up until modern day.  In the newest installment to the franchise they decided to make it set in the future.
The year is 2025 and the player is able to play with new futuristic gadgets and weapons that could only be dreamed of.  As far as the single player is concerned the story deals with a bad guy who tries to control the world.  This is the usual plot to the Call of Duty campaign modes.  It has its moments with various set pieces and has a story line that can have multiple endings.  Even with all this it isn't the highlight of the game.
The multiplayer is where the game shines.  This is where the majority of the gamers will spend there time.  Over the years there have been the typical create a class system which allows players to choose their weapons and perks.  In the newest game it uses a ten point system.  This allows the player to have more flexibility to choose a playing style that is suitable for them.  For instance, the gamer could choose to run around with only a knife and perks instead of having a gun.  On the flip side the player can have only one gun with three different attachments if they desire.  This new point system allows there to be many more styles and directions a player can choose.
The zombie mode makes its return as well.  A fan favorite, zombies is able to entertain them again.  This time around there are two new game modes introduced to the player.  The first is tranzit which has the players journey through a couple various maps by way of a bus.  The other mode is called grief which is a four against four mode where the team to stay alive the longest wins.  With all these new modes and maps to explore it is definitely a fun part of the game.
Overall the newest Call of Duty installment adds enough new and fresh ideas to keep the player interested.  New players will probably find the newest game more playable then the rest while hardcore fans of the franchise will be pleased as well.

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