Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Walking Dead Review

The Walking Dead is one of the surprise hits of the year and is up for various awards including "Best Game".  The story is a RPG style game that follows one character as he tries to fight off the undead for survival.  Unlike many games that have come out recently this game is not an open world game.  The things plot is linear but that doesn't mean that it can't be influenced by your choices.
This is where the game shines.  As you go through story you meet different characters that you can interact with in different ways.  As you talk to them you are given three to four choices of dialogue that you can give to the character that you are talking with.  This is where the game can be influenced by what you choose your character to say. 
Along with this you can choose to do different actions that influence the game as well.  For instance, at one point in the game you have the choice to either kill a member of your "crew" or let them live.  It is choices like these that make for a compelling game.
The best part of the game is the storyline.  The writing is phenomenal and will keep you engaged throughout.  There are many different puzzles and set pieces to play with that are very well done.  Throughout the game you will also find yourself caring for the characters in your group which makes the game that much better.  Overall this game should be played for the compelling story which is top notch.

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